1921 Photo Clyde School No 3664

(Click the mouse over this picture to see an enlarged version)

The head master is  Mr Leslie Edwards- a First World War soldier who was decorated for bravery. He was so well loved by the community that as a farewell gift the towns people gave him a camera as a gesture of their appreciation of him.

Please read about him at www.clydehistory.uphero.com/html/0600who1.html
Mr Edwards came to Clyde in May 1919 and stayed until 1926. He was highly regarded by the local community.

Is the lady Miss Inez Hunter? Miss Hunter was a gifted soprano and musician. As "Sewing Mistress" she assisted in teaching the smaller children and taught sewing to the older girls. At a later date Miss Hunter taught part time at both Clyde 3664 and Clyde North 118.

These 36 students shared the one classroom designed to accommodate 60 children.
The school commenced in the Clyde Methodist Church in 1910 and later, 1917 moved to their own property and building. The second classroom was added in 1962 separating the infant grades from the older children. Two full time teachers were required.

Family who may have had children in the school in 1921 have the following names>
Bailey, Cam, Clink, Cromb, Croskell, Cutler, Deanshaw, Finke, Forrest, Frost, Gardner, Gilmore, Grigg, Hatch, Howard, Manks, Matchett, McGeachin, McLachlan, Milne, Picken, Postle, Reynolds, Ridgway, Robertson, Rooke, Scott, Stewart, Stick, Wallace, Wenn, Wilson, Zenner,  

Until then over 600 children had experienced learning in that one classroom

The pupils in this picture ranged in age from 5 to 14. Some of the older children would have been in Grade 8 - the equivalent today of second year of a secondary school. All grades were taught in the one room.

A Rural School like this one was the focus of the district. Annual school picnics, school concerts etc were attended by most of the community.

Can you identify any person in the above photo?
(Photo - Mr M. Cutler)

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1 comment:

Editor Clyde History said...

Has anyone seen the 1919 photo