What are the Lessons of History?

What lessons?

The principles of good relationships that worked a hundred years ago still work today.  Conversely bitterness, lack of forgiveness, revenge, rejection, still create damage, hurt and emotional distance that can reach into following generations.

Human nature and human needs do not change because of new technology.

Clyde has its own stories of good and not so good examples of decision making.
Read "between the lines" to ascertain the difference. 
Some families have hung on to the hurts of the past while others have overlooked the "sins of the fathers' and begun new relationships with previously unknown relatives.

You could begin with Amazing Local Stories followed by the lives of the Early Families and then the Dairy Industry Impact and its articles.

Have you been researching your ancestors who once lived in Clyde?
The blog Clyde Victoria - Family History Tools  is designed for you.

Editor's email: clydehistory@gmail.com

Gain Wisdom Quote : A popular variation of quote by philosopher George Santayana 1863-1952

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